This is the first of 22 virgin media street cabinets to be painted in the Islington EC1 area in London. This public art project Has been put on by NDC (new deal for communities) to celebrate their 10 year anniversary of improving the local area.
The spire can be seen for miles around, Distant sun reaches out to strike it like lightning, As the wind whips me and chills my bones, Pouring rain drowns out the incessant traffic.
Today I took a canvas (90 x 90cm) down to the Thames to start my first painting of the river. It was a bit difficult with the wind blowing the canvas around but I managed to get the basic compositional sketch done. I will work on it at home and finish it over the next couple of days.
This is the second stage for printing my Heron woodcut. All up there will be a total of 6 artist's proofs and 15 in the edition. The next step is to cut out and print a light grey on the bird and moon. After this I will print it again with dark grey and then a final time with black. Making this the largest and the most colours I have done in one print before.
These two drawings I did in my sketch book today are apart of a study for a body of work dedicated towards the river Thames. I would like to create many paintings of the rivers surface and all the things upon it. Making impressions of different parts of the river at different times like high - low tide, day, night and sunset etc.
Above is a medium sized ink drawing (42 x 59cm) of my friends courtyard that is full of old neglected pot plants. I like the chaotic randomness of how they are placed through out the composition and how you can see how some have died and the more hardy plants thrive.
Usually during the periods when I am having a break from painting all the time! I like to stock up on surfaces to paint on. I refer to this period in an artist's life as "The calm before the storm".